Slow Loading Websites

Slow Loading Websites

Slow Loading Website | Bad for Business

Have you ever provided a bad Google Review for a business that was slow to provide service?


As a consumer, you would appreciate a sign like this before you entered a business.

As a business owner, you would never hang a sign like this in your store. But this is what Google is planning to do on websites.

Google Chrome announced a plan to introduce badging. As a way to encourage publishers to improve site speed. Google proposed a contextual menu on links that will tell users before they click, that a site is slow. The goal is to reward fast sites.

This is Google’s announcement that puts site publishers on notice. Page speed has become even more important. Google intends to reward fast web pages, at the expense of slow pages. Page speed has always been important. From the earliest days of the Internet, faster pages converted at higher rates.

A fast-loading site is important regardless of anything Google does. In the not too distant future. Slow loading pages may experience increasing pressure to survive.

For a FREE, NO OBLIGATION page speed report.

Slow Loading Websites

How to Get and Ask for Google Reviews

Being humble is usually a good thing. But in business, it’s not very helpful.
With Google dominating online search. It makes sense that you put focus on what Google needs to rank your business. One of those things is getting reviews on your Google.
Online customer reviews narrate a brand’s story. And statistics show that shoppers take note. Consumers read, write, and expect replies to their reviews. Which means reviews are a valuable asset to your business.
To illustrate how important reviews are to consumers. we did research, conducted surveys, and a whole lot of digging to uncover more than 100 online review statistics you need to know.
As well as being essential ranking signals for local SEO. Online reviews from clients and customers are one of the most powerful ways of promoting trust and confidence.
To highlight this, a recent survey from Zendesk found that 90% of respondents claimed. That positive reviews affected their purchasing decisions. With 86% saying negative reviews were also an influence. In other words, reviews matter.
Slow Loading Websites

10 Key Benefits of SEO for your Business

SEO is the best Return on Investment

SEO has major benefits for websites and can lead to long-term exponential growth. Brands that invest in SEO can build credibility and trust with audiences. Making it a pivotal part of a digital marketing strategy.

Here are 10 reasons why you should use SEO

Regina SEO Companies

SEO Boost Business Credibility

When people search they are searching for exactly what they want. Be it information, a product, or a service. Unfortunately in today’s world, people don’t have time to waste. They do not want to start reading content on a webs page only to find out it is not the correct information.

A website that ranks on the first page, or better yet, high up on, a search engine results page, has tremendous value. Search engines, especially Google, have a very complex formula (algorithm). This algorithm uses over 200 factors to determine the order in which websites are listed.

SEO Provides a Competitive Advantage

Everyone has competitors. Locally, Nationally and Internationally. Chances are your competitors are investing in SEO.

Fortunately, there are many ways to invest in SEO services. Having some SEO performed on your website is better than none at all.

SEO will help you compete with much larger competitors. Large companies that have a chain of stores will not spend the time or money to optimize their website to be found where you are.

Let Regina SEO help identify and analyze your competitors

SEO Can Be Tracked

With SEO, you can track changes in rankings, conversions, and website traffic. Adding analytics to your website will allow you to review your site traffic.

Unless your customers tell you they say your billboard or heard your radio ad. You won’t know if your marketing is working or not.

Even if you are advertising online, make sure you link your ads to a specific page on your site. Not always the home page.

These insights to used adjust and improve your SEO strategy.

SEO Improves User Engagement Rates

If your business doesn’t sell cars, would you want people calling, or coming into your store looking to buy a car? Proper SEO on your site will help direct people looking for what you are offering.

If the title of your product page is simply called PRODUCTS. Google will not know what type of products you sell. Are you selling GOLF PRODUCTS? HAIR CARE PRODUCTS? 

Be descriptive in your page titles. If Google can index your website under a specific category it will help your business website be found for the right search.

SEO Improves Website Usability

SEO is about making your site search-engine-friendly. But it also improves the experience a customer has when visiting your website.

A website that is difficult to navigate will only discourage a user from continuing. If the information on the website is difficult to read, it also frustrates users.

Factors such as quality of content and easy site navigation will improve the usability of the site. These are factors in Google’s algorithm.

SEO Improves Local Search

Yes, you still need SEO if you just provide products or services locally. The purpose of SEO is to find new customers. If a person doesn’t know about your business they aren’t searching for your business. They are searching for a specific product, service, or information.

The main factor with Local SEO is to make sure your business has the correct address, contact information, and hours listed. Nothing worse than someone finding your business on Google or another directory only to have an old phone number, wrong business hours, or worse an old address.

Slow Loading Websites

How Google Works

How Google Searches the Web

Google needs to find and index your site

Simply launching a website will not guarantee success

Google’s search engine is a powerful tool. Without search engines, it would be impossible to find the information you need. For those of us old enough to remember using a library. When you wanted more information on a particular topic, you went to the library. Now imagine a library without a card catalog, Dewey Decimal System or a librarian. You would have to walk up and down the isles of books, hoping to find the book you are looking for.
How long would you do that before giving up? Exactly.

Search Engines are very Important!

If people don’t know about you (your website), then they aren’t searching for you (your website)

People search the web for the product or information they are seeking. If people know about your website then they would just go directly to your site. Over 90% of all activity on the web starts with a search engine. 

See our article on The 4 Types of Web Searches.

Without the Dewey Decimal System, libraries would have been very, very hard to use. With the internet being the new library. Search engines are the new ‘card catalog’. When the internet first launched, there were many search engines. Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Lycos, AOL and many more. These search engines were vital for people to find websites they were looking for. But when you think about it, when the internet first started, there weren’t that many websites. But there were a lot of search engines. Now with millions of websites, there are only a handful of search engines. Why? Because of Google. In the past, search engines like Yahoo manually added websites to their database. Back in the day, web developers or individuals had to “submit” their new websites to search engines. Once the website was entered into the search engine’s database, it became searchable. But Google was able to use a special algorithm to generate search results. While Google shares general facts about its algorithm. The specific formula is a company secret. This helps Google remain the most popular search engine. Google uses automated programs called spiders or crawlers. Like most search engines. Also like other search engines, Google has a large index of keywords and where those words are found. What sets Google apart is how it ranks search results. This determines the order Google displays results on its results page (SERP).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris lobortis vehicula nisi, eget condimentum augue pulvinar ut. In quis tortor placerat, fringilla lacus quis, euismod enim. Vivamus accumsan sed nibh dictum sodales. Sed tempus tempor risus eget varius. Vivamus metus nibh, convallis eu nisl id, facilisis tempor leo. Nam a fringilla leo.

Aliquam at dolor sed lectus elementum dictum. Integer at enim scelerisque, molestie mauris non, sodales ante. Quisque finibus nibh sed diam semper scelerisque.

Mauris lobortis vehicula nisi, eget condimentum augue pulvinar ut. In quis tortor placerat, fringilla lacus quis, euismod enim. Vivamus accumsan sed nibh dictum sodales. Sed tempus tempor risus eget varius. Vivamus metus nibh, convallis eu nisl id, facilisis tempor leo. Nam a fringilla leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse tempor euismod felis eu fringilla.

Target All The Right Customers

Morbi non ligula diam. Duis ut dolor sodales, fermentum ipsum a, cursus leo. Morbi semper sem ut mauris tincidunt. Fusce ut facilisis lacus. Quisque accumsan odio dapibus viverra eros a, tempor dui. Mauris ac est ac ex euismod elementum. Sed semper porttitor nulla.

Analyze & Increase Traffic and Conversions

Morbi non ligula diam. Duis ut dolor sodales, fermentum ipsum a, cursus leo. Morbi semper sem ut mauris tincidunt. Fusce ut facilisis lacus. Quisque accumsan odio dapibus viverra eros a, tempor dui. Mauris ac est ac ex euismod elementum. Sed semper porttitor nulla.

How We Deliver The Results That You Want!

Aliquam efficitur porta faucibus. In pharetra blandit nibh, sed placerat velit porta non. Aliquam id ullamcorper turpis. Nullam accumsan, ex non bibendum porta, risus tortor venenatis risus, eu dignissim ligula nisl in dolor.

What We Do

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque imperdiet libero eu neque facilisis.

Search Engine Optimization

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

Content Optimization

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

On Page Optimization

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

SEO Consulting

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

Data Analysis

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

SEO Strategy

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

Our SEO Experts

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque imperdiet libero eu neque facilisis.

Emran Jamil

Emran Jamil

Founder & CEO

Jason Hill

Jason Hill

Founder & CEO

Blake Hammond

Blake Hammond

Founder & CEO

Let's Work Together!

Ut porttitor imperdiet hendrerit. Suspendisse pulvinar lacus nec sollicitudin finibus ligula quam bibendum dui, maximus ornare ex nulla ut lacus.


622/A, Presidency Tower, Panama St, New York.

(+22) 123 456 7898

4 Types of Web Searches

4 Types of Web Searches

Types of Web Searches

Be found for the right type of search in Google & Bing

How do people search the web?

Knowing how your customer’s search will help immensely

The next time you go to Google or Bing to search for something, stop.

Before you type anything in the search bar … stop … and think about what you are searching for.

  • Are you searching for a product that is sold by thousands of stores and on thousands of websites?
  • Are you searching for a website you visit often, but can’t remember is it a .com or .ca?
  • Are you searching for general information on a topic, like “where to vacation in Mexico?
  • Are you searching for a service in your city?

Now think about the results you are looking for. For example, if you are searching for a plumber.

  • Are you searching for a plumber because you want to renovate your downstairs bathroom?
  • Are you searching for a plumber who can install a heater in your garage or in-floor heat or another specialty product?
  • Or are you desperate and need a plumber NOW!

NOT every website is created equal

  • Some websites were built by the business owner themselves (or their kids). They used a “free” service online and have little to no information on it or the wrong information. They think that because they have a website Google and Bing will find it.
  • Some websites have been made by a professional web developer, but the site has not been optimized by a Search Engine Optimization expert.
  • The website has been online for 10 years but has not been updated in 9 years.
  • The website is not mobile friendly and does not fit properly on a phone.

These are just some of the factors that Google uses to index which site is listed higher than another site. Humans and Google, like to visit websites that are updated and maintained.

How many times have you heard comedians joking about
how old the magazines are in the doctors’ office‘?

It’s the same for your website. Unless your website is set up to attract new users … once and only once, and you don’t expect them to return. Why would they return? If they read everything on your site the first time they visited.

Your website is not a bucket list item. The site needs to be updated and nurtured.

Now that you know about the above …

How sophisticated are you as a web user?

Are you searching for:

  • Plumbers near me
  • 24-hour plumbers
  • Emergency service plumbers
  • Plumbers who sell and install Lennox products
  • Plumbers in Regina
  • Plumbers in Regina who accept credit cards
  • Professional Regina Plumbers who sell and install Lennox products that accept credit cards

As well, do you use your mobile phone to search? If you do are you …

If you are using a voice search, you may notice you provide more details in a voice search than you would in a text search.

It's not a matter of BEING on the web

It's a matter of being FOUND on the web

Google searches like you and you search like Google

Informational Seach

What Is an Informational Search?

An informational search is when a user searches a broad topic. The user is looking for “information”. It could be research for a school project or report for their work. The search results returned by Goole or Bing will very broad.

The user is not looking for any specific site and chances are they are not looking to make a purchase of a product or service.

An informational search may also indicate that the user has no idea where to start their search and chances are they will narrow their search keywords and search again. An informational search can be very frustrating as the sites returned in a search may lack the exact information the user is seeking.

Transactional Seach

What Is a Transactional Search?

A transactional search is one where the user has done their research. They know what they want, they just need to know where to buy it. They may search “Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge“. Search engines are generally really good at knowing where the user is and returns results based on that.

If there are no local sites that have been optimized for the search term, a user may have to add their city to the search to find a local company.

The user may also add keywords like “where to purchase a Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge”. Again, they know what they want, they are just looking where to purchase.

If you are a retailer or service provider, the transactional search is the search you want to be found for on a search engine (Google, Bing, etc.). As the user is ready to buy.

Voice Seach and SEO

Voice Search changing how websites are structured

We have officially caught up with The Jetsons

With more and more electronic devices launching what seems almost daily. Home automation and smartphones have changed how website content should be set up on the web.

Android smartphones having Google Assistant and iPhones using Siri and Windows using Cortana. 

Not to mention all of the home automation devices:

With more and more people using mobile devices to search, websites need to change.

People are using voice search on their smartphones, tablets or voice assistants. When people use voice instead of their thumbs on a mobile device or fingers on a laptop/computer.

According to an official Google statement. More than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices.

What does this mean?

It means you have to think differently when writing content for your website. It still surprises us to stumble upon websites that use very, very generic page titles like: PRODUCTS.  Google needs to know what type of products? Just using PRODUCTS as a page title means you are lumped in with every other website using just PRODUCTS.

Do you sell:

  • Car Products?
  • Pet Products?
  • Hair care Products?

Well? Which is it? If Google doesn’t know, then they can’t organize (index) your site properly for what type of products you sell.

So now with Voice Search, people are using longer search terms to find what they want.

For example, with a text search, someone might have just typed “chicken soup recipes”. Now with a voice search, they will search “chicken soup recipes I can make in the microwave”

Searches with more details will show better results. Results that help the user find what they want faster. Making the user experience much better and faster.

SEO Companies Regina

Be Found on the First Page of Google

Regina SEO Services

Why SEO Matters

If you have a website, you need SEO

Search Engine Optimization is often overlooked

Before you plan any marketing for your business, you need to consider SEO as a strategy. If your business relies on your website for leads, education, sales, then SEO is a must.

We don’t mean to scare you but its the truth. Years ago when the phone book was relevant, you had to be in the phonebook in order for customers to find you. Google is essentialy where people go to now to find products and services. When people don’t know where to find a product or who to hire to provide the service they are looking for, they search for it. 

Did you know that over 90% of all online activitiy starts with a search?


Like it or not, Google is the #1 search engine. As of November of 2018, 73% of searches were powered by Google. Google didn’t invent search engine optimization, they just mastered it. All search engines have some sort of formula/algorithm that ranks which websites are listed first, second, 10th, 100th and so on. But because Google is the #1 search engine and if you want your website to be listed on Google … your website should be optimized for what Google is looking for.

There are 4 ways people search the internet. And that is changing all the time. Years ago “voice search” wasn’t even on the radar and in 2020 half of all online searches with be voice-based. 

Top 5 Reasons Why SEO Matters

Search Engine Optimization is no longer an option

Increased Website Traffic

Well executed SEO will drive traffic to your site. When your site is listed on the first page of search engines for what people are searching for that is when you start getting more clicks.

More Bang For Your Buck

SEO works like an echo. When performed correctly, it will resonate through the internet as opposed to a billboard or radio ad. Once those are not in the public eye, then they are soon forgotten.

Your Competitors are Doing It

Tell us who your competitors are and we can prove to you whether or not they are performing SEO on their sites.

Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way.

SEO is providing a solution

When someone uses a search engine, they are looking for something (product, service, etc.). If they knew you provided that product or service, they would just search for your business or come directly to you. 

Measurable & Calculable

With Google Analytics we can show which pages people are visiting. Which search words they used to find you. How long they stayed and what page they left your site on. Plus a whole lot more.

Whether you built your own website or
had someone else develop it.

The site can be evaluated for SEO and Page Speed.

Fill out the form on this page for a FREE home page analysis. We know that sounds too good to be true and usually that’snot a good thing, However, in in order for us to show you that we’re not selling snake oil, we know we need to show you how bad (or good) your site might be.

If we had to describe SEO in one sentence: Google reads and looks at your site like humans do.

Regina SEO Services can help your site be indexed by Google and humans. If Google can’t find you, who can?


How is SEO sold as a service?

SEO doesn’t have to be a intimidating, overhwhelming or intensive.

Search engine optimization does not expire like a billboard ad, radio ad or Facebook ad.

Proper SEO techniques on your website are long-lasting. It resides within the code of the website and the content of the website. These are the things that Google is looking for.

Still wondering if you require Search Engine Optimization?

If you answer YES to one or more of the following questions, then you need SEO Services Regina.

  • Do you have an existing website?
  • Considering a website for your business?
  • Do you have competitors?

Request a Consultation

Considering search engine optimization for your website? We would love to help.

Building your own website is one thing, performing search engine optimization on that website is another

SEO is not a one-time "switch" that is turned on or off.

SEO is a process. A website needs to be checked to see if it is ready for SEO. If it isn't then it needs to be prepared. Then an overall review of your business and your competitors, locally, nationally, and internationally should be completed.

It sounds overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.

Let us take on the burden and we will break up the process into smaller, attainable tasks.

Fill out the form to begin

Have a look at the Google search results for something as simple as “plumbers in Regina”.

Regina Plumbers




The results show “About 21,4000,000 results”.

How is that possible?

There are not over 200,000 plumbers in Regina. What Google is doing is finding websites for plumbers and results for Regina. Google’s algorithm is then sifting through all of those websites and bringing the most relevant websites to the top of the first page. The sites that have the most relevance to “plumbers Regina” are listed first. This is how SEO works. 

Without SEO, you are taking a chance that Google will find your site. But can you compete with 200,000 plus websites without SEO? Try it for yourself. Search a produt or service you sell and add “Regina” to the search. How many results does it return?

Help Google Find You

Search Engine Optimization helps Google find your site for what you want it to be found for.

Some SEO is better than no SEO

If your company website is not being found on the first page of Google and you want it to be found. Then consider having some SEO performed for your website. Regina SEO can work with any budget. Keeping in mind that results will take longer the lower the budget. With over 200 factors in Google’s algorithm,

There are many levels of search engine optimization we can help clients with, in fact we generally recommend to our clients that we start slow just to show how their page rank can move with just a little bit of SEO.

FREE No Obligation Quick Report

No foolin’. SEO Services Regina understands that you may not understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization.

That’s why we want to show you. The home page of your website is the first one Google looks at to index your website on their search engine. If it’s not optimized right then you are in trouble.

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Why do you think the yellow pages and newspapers are selling SEO services? There medium is dead or dying.

Top 5 Reasons Why SEO Services Regina Matters

Ready to drive traffic and business to your website?

If you are serious about increasing the traffic to your website and are ready to help us help you
then contact SEO Services Regina.

Copyright © 2025 Regina SEO

Every business needs to have a strong reputation online. We increase your online presence through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Internet Marketing techniques that work.

Google is the #1 Search Engine for a reason. Their formula (algorithm) for finding the information people are searching for is remarkable. 

But ... their algorithm only works when it finds what it is looking for on websites. If the information is not findable by Google, then the website won't be listed as high as other sites.