Local Search Engine Optimization
Target Your Audience
If you found us on a Google search then that’s how SEO works

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Do I need SEO for my website?
Technically no … but your competitors probably will at some point if they don’t already.
If you ever want to be found online by your potential customers you should highly consider some SEO.

What’s involved with Search Engine Optimization?
There are varying levels of SEO that can be performed on your site. There are On-Page SEO techniques and Off-Page SEO Techniques.
With over 200 known factors in Google’s algorithm, there is always something that can be done.
Website Redesign
Is your website ready for SEO?
Having SEO performed on your website is not like turning on a switch. Otherwise, everyone would do it and no one would be #1 on Google.
Search engine optimization is a series of techniques that are performed both on each page of your website and on other websites.
if you are looking to have your current website remade or are building your first website. You absolutely need to consider search engine optimization.
Search engines look at more than just the content on your site. Search engines analyze the code of the site if it is mobile-friendly, the ease of use for the user, and the page loading time of the site. Think of it this way. Everything you want in a website is what helps rank your site.

SEO. Essential services for your website
There’s no point in having a website if it can’t be found. Over 90% of all activity on the web starts with a search engine. If people don’t know about your business or website they aren’t searching for it.
People search for products and services because they don’t know where to go for them. Help potential customers find you, not your competitors.
We are true web developers.
We are SEO experts.
Regina SEO performs all work in-house. We’re not using out-of-country, third-party companies to do the work. We live here, we know Regina.
Ask the phone companies that will try to sell you SEO services, or the magazine company that calls if they can say the same.
We love the puzzle of Search Engine Optimization. …
how do I get on the first page of Google? Find an SEO company.
Yes, SEO is an online service and can be done from anywhere, but our goal is to work with Regina businesses.
We work in Regina, we are from Regina, we understand Regina.
Even if your website is not found in the top half of a search engine listing, users will often redefine their search to find what they are looking for before they do go to page one or click over to page two.
If you are looking for an SEO company in Regina, look no further than Regina SEO. Our team consists of:
- thinkers
- writers
- coders,
- bloggers
- researchers
- social media addicts and, well ….
- geeks.
FREE No Obligation Quick Report
Start with a Free, No-Obligation, Quick Report on your website homepage.
We can show you a few things that your site might be missing.
Provide a few ideas on how you can increase your SEO page rank
Help your site to be found on the first page of Google.
Fill out the form below and we will take it from there. If we will do this for free, imagine what we could do if you hired us?
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Think being on the first page of Google is good enough?
There are 10 organic spots (not paid for) on each page of Google’s results page. When users see what they are looking for in the top half of the page, there’s no reason to scroll down any further.

Every business needs to have a strong reputation online. We increase your online presence through search engine optimization (SEO) and Internet Marketing techniques that work.
Google is the #1 Search Engine for a reason. Their algorithm for finding the information people are searching for is remarkable.
But ... their algorithm only works when it finds what it is looking for on websites. If the information is not findable by Google, then the website won't be listed as high as other sites.
Not convinced that your website has any SEO issues?
We will perform a basic SEO Assessment of just one page of your site at no charge to you. We will identify any issues with the page as it relates to Google's algorithm and any humans who access your site.
SEO is important because it can help businesses improve their online visibility, attract more potential customers, and build credibility and trust with their audience.