How Google Searches the Web
Google needs to find and index your site
Simply launching a website will not guarantee success
Search Engines are very Important!
If people don’t know about you (your website), then they aren’t searching for you (your website)
People search the web for the product or information they are seeking. If people know about your website then they would just go directly to your site. Over 90% of all activity on the web starts with a search engine.
See our article on The 4 Types of Web Searches.
Without the Dewey Decimal System, libraries would have been very, very hard to use. With the internet being the new library. Search engines are the new ‘card catalog’. When the internet first launched, there were many search engines. Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Lycos, AOL and many more. These search engines were vital for people to find websites they were looking for. But when you think about it, when the internet first started, there weren’t that many websites. But there were a lot of search engines. Now with millions of websites, there are only a handful of search engines. Why? Because of Google. In the past, search engines like Yahoo manually added websites to their database. Back in the day, web developers or individuals had to “submit” their new websites to search engines. Once the website was entered into the search engine’s database, it became searchable. But Google was able to use a special algorithm to generate search results. While Google shares general facts about its algorithm. The specific formula is a company secret. This helps Google remain the most popular search engine. Google uses automated programs called spiders or crawlers. Like most search engines. Also like other search engines, Google has a large index of keywords and where those words are found. What sets Google apart is how it ranks search results. This determines the order Google displays results on its results page (SERP).
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