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The standard definition of LSI is truly impossible to understand so I’m not going to bring it up here. Instead here’s a more digestible one.

LSI is considered to be an important factor for search engines when ranking your page. It’s said that search engines analyze the content on your page and search for LSI keywords supporting your main keyword. If they find such keywords your page gets a boost in rankings for your main keyword.

LSI keywords are keywords that are similar to your main one – keywords that are usually found along your main keyword in the natural language.

For example, if your main keyword is “gardening equipment” and you’re using it a lot in your article it would be great to use some LSI keywords as well, such as: “plants“, “garden“, “vegetables“, “planting“, etc. These are the keywords that would be mentioned naturally in a genuine conversation.

In other words, LSI is a way of checking whether the text is genuine or just stuffed with random keywords purely for improving rankings.

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