SEO Scams
Unfortunately there are a whole host of them out thereSEO SCAMS
It’s hard enough to convince businesses they needs SEO
Now we have to watch out for SEO scammers
Years ago (and they still happen) you would get phone calls from “Microsoft” saying that you have a virus or your there is something wrong with your computer. They will walk you through how to fix it … TOTAL SCAM.
Then there were the emails from Nigerian prince’s that wanted to share their fortune with you. You just needed to send them you bank information.
As long as there has been people, there have been bad people. We are sure there were cavemen trying to sell fake mammoth skin boots.
Anyway, on this page and our Facebook page, we will try and keep you up to date with other SEO SCAMS we encounter.
Information and Resources on known SEO Scams411 CanPages
Suddenly an email will show up in your inbox with an attached PDF invoice from 411 CanPages, Represenative Julie Manning. A close look at the invoice you will see:
- No phone number to call
- No email address to respond to
- No website address to visit
Not that it is not a sign of a scam, but it is suspicious. They may just have a bad designer of invoices.
Also on this invoice, the description is for “TOP BOLD PROFILE – Company Profile”. That is pretty vague, but again, they may just be clueless on how to describe services on an invoice.
There address is also a P.O. Box, not normally a bad thing, but it does add to the whole suspicion of it all.
But lastly, thanks to Google, you can just search for 411 Direct Pages you will find lots of other links to stories of scams.
If you want help with all of this and more, we here at Regina SEO would look after these instances and more.
Companies Calling Claiming to be Google
Google is the king when it comes search engine optimization. Everyone wants to be listed on the first page of Google. They have their own list of things you need to follow to be listed. But …
Google will not call you. They have a lot of things on the go and your page rank / organic listing is not one of them.
When you receive one of these calls from one of these companies claiming to be Google, just think about what they say when they call.
- They will claim that your website is not listed on the first page of Google, but they also ask what your business name is or what your website is. Don’t you think they should already know who you are if they called you to say you Google listing is not where it could be?
- If you want to get them to hang up on you, then tell them you are an SEO Company and they will just hang up. At least they do when we tell them this. Would a reputable company do this?
It is our opinion … you should work with a company that you find and trust. Any company that is calling you out of the blue to help you with SEO is also probably calling all of your industry competitors. Newspapers, yellow pages, phone book companies. They all have call centres and are calling anyone and everyone.
Just imagine you and 5 competitors. None of you are having SEO performed on your site. Then suddenly a phone directory company calls you to sell you SEO. It might all sound good, but if you go with them, they are probably only days away from calling all of your competitors. Now suddenly where you and your competitors were all at the same level for free, you are now all on the same level but paying them to be on that same level. Provided all of them sign up.
Find an SEO company of your own to work with. They will be more dedicated and thankful than a big company who is calling all companies.