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Search Engine Optimization is all about information

SEO is all about adding the correct information on your website. Organizing the information and optimizing the information to be found by the search engines, to be found by your potential customers.

Having said that … we need information from you.

The more information we know about you and your business … the better we can help you. Think of us an employee of your business. You wouldn’t hire us and then not show us, train us on how to work for you. If we have to guess details, or wait for information about your business then the process can be stalled.

We know the form below is long but we do need this information at some point. Let’s get it out of the way so we can get rolling on your SEO.

Some of the fields below are mandatory and others are optional. But, we would appreciate if you can take the time to think about the questions and answer them to the best of your ability. if you truly don’t have an answer then leave you can leave it blank.

Contact Information

Business Information

Please list any other domains below.
Are you business to business? Are you business to consumer? Do you work with businesses and consumers?
Think about all of your current customers ... which ones are the best ones? The ones that don't haggle about your price, The ones that appreciate what you do. Etc.
Linking your website to these groups and organizations and (hopefully) we get them to link to you will help with your SEO.

Website Information

Web development company, friend, yourself?

Who are your competitors?

Knowing you your competitors are is important. We can review their website and identify what their strengths and weaknesses are to help you.Please list up to 5 of your competitors websites.

Your products & services

What service(s) or products(s) does your site/company/organization offer or provide that you want to be found for?
Please list your most profitable products or services. Optimizing your site for those products or services will help generate more revenue than other services that are not as profitable.
Example: If you are a local business, how far will you travel to work with your customers. 5 KM, 25 KM, 50 KM, 100 KM ... etc.
What are you best known for? Why do your current clients choose you? What value do you add that your competitors don't?
What is the lasting impression you want to leave with your customers? Best? Cheapest? Quickest? Most honest?

Social Media

Social media plays a key factor in communicating with clients and potential clients. However social media is not for everyone and not always applicable for every business.
Does your company/organization have any social media accounts?


Please outline your current marketing strategy and include your future (planned) marketing strategies. With analytics of your site we can track
We would be pleased to send you further details of these services and their benefits.

Results & Reporting

Depending on your current website status within Google, Bing and Yahoo, how competitive your industry is or how active your competitors are with SEO themselves, It can take several months to make a difference.
Analytics provides a number of different metrics/statistics. Such as:how many unique visitors? how many returning visitors? What pages people visit? How long they stay on the site? Were they visiting on their phone or computer? What city, what country?What specific stats/reports would you like to see the most?
Note: Reporting is time consuming and can affect pricing.
Analytics provides a number of different metrics/statistics. Such as:how many unique visitors? how many returning visitors? What pages people visit? How long they stay on the site? Were they visiting on their phone or computer? What city, what country?

Budget & Expenses

We can help with any type of budget. Results may vary or take longer depending on the budget. If you are able to suggest a monthly budget, along with the questions above, we will provide a strategy of what we are able to do for you.
We can work within any budget but keep in mind results may take to accomplish.
Do you have anything you would like to add about your business, products or services that we should be aware of?